"Love Don’t Love Nobody"
The phrase "Love Don’t Love Nobody" resonates deeply with many of us, reflecting the complicated truth that love can be unpredictable and sometimes unreciprocated. It’s a poignant reminder that even when we invest our whole hearts into a relationship, we might not always receive the love we hope for. I understand that this experience can be difficult and painful, but please know that it is something many of us face as we seek to connect. You're not alone. We are all navigating the complexities of love.
The song "Love Don’t Love Nobody," released in 1974 by the Spinners, resonated with anyone who had experienced love, was searching for it, or had dealt with lost love. I was heartbroken and was trying to move on while putting on a brave front and a fake smile. Each day began and ended with me thinking and praying for him and us. However, it became clear that it was never meant to be. Was it true that love didn’t love anyone? Was I a fool to believe in love, in our love?
It took me nearly two years to gather the courage to consider entering a new relationship. Upon reflection, I do not regret my choices, as they have taught me important lessons. People of all ages share the universal need to feel valued and loved. I could have benefitted from taking more time to explore and understand myself. I have many outstanding qualities to offer and am more complex than I may appear. While I was dedicated to understanding and expressing love toward him, I now realize that prioritizing my self-discovery and self-compassion was equally important.
When you are young, time seems to pass slowly, and you believe you have it all figured out. As time passes and you still find yourself drifting back to what might have been, stop. Just stop and be thankful for what is.
It took me over fifty years to get here, and I am happy. Oh, I’ve loved and loved deeply and completely. But I finally learned that loving me was the best thing I could do for myself. There were days when I could not stand myself; I allowed what others thought and said about me to control me. It’s not that I no longer care; I’ve learned to accept them as they are, and I pray that God will deliver me from myself and help us be all he has created us to be.